Lip & Tongue Tie in Bethel, CT

Welcome to Stony Hill Dental Care, your trusted partner in managing lip and tongue ties. Under the expert care of Dr. Walter Kostrzewski, we’re dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive dental care in Bethel, CT.

What Is Lip & Tongue Tie?

Lip and tongue tie occur due to tight, restrictive tissues, known as frenulums, in the mouth. These conditions can significantly affect speech, eating, and oral health. At Stony Hill Dental Care, we understand the importance of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Symptoms of Lip & Tongue Tie

Identifying lip and tongue tie early is crucial. Common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty with speech or eating: The inability to form certain sound shapes or maneuver food within the mouth can be a big indicator of lip or tongue tie.
  • Gap between front teeth: If the frenulum from a lip tie extends to the roof of the mouth, it can cause a gap between the front teeth.
  • Restricted tongue movement: Certain activities like playing instruments or licking an ice cream cone might be difficult or impossible.
  • Future Orthodontic Issues: The tongue won’t be able to reach around the mouth properly. The tight frenulum can also interfere with the lower jaw’s development as a child grows, creating orthodontic issues.
  • Oral Hygiene Issues: When the tongue is unable to maneuver through the mouth to clean food debris out of the teeth and lips, oral hygiene might be difficult to maintain.
  • Challenges with breastfeeding (in infants): When an infant’s tongue can’t stick out far enough, it creates problems with their ability to suck.

Lip & Tongue Tie in Infants vs Adults

The impact of lip and tongue tie varies by age:


Breastfeeding difficulties, caused by an inability to properly latch, can prevent infants from receiving proper amounts of food. This can cause an infant to struggle with weight gain, as well as cause gassiness or colic.


Speech impediments can be a noticeable symptom of lip or tongue tie in adults, which can influence confidence and one’s ability to succeed in work or social situations. Challenges with oral hygiene can add up to expensive trips to the dentist, as well as daily discomfort in the mouth or jaw. It’s not too late for an adult to be freed from their lip or tongue tie.

What Is a Frenectomy?

Frenectomy is a precise surgical procedure to release the tight frenulum. This surgery, performed with the utmost care at Stony Hill Dental Care, offers a permanent solution to lip and tongue tie issues.

Lip & Tongue Tie FAQ

Look for restricted movement in the mouth, speech difficulties, and discomfort during eating. For infants, mothers can notice if their baby struggles to latch or feed, and the mother might experience pain or discomfort.

Dr. Kostrzewski uses advanced techniques for a minimally invasive procedure, ensuring comfort and rapid healing.

Most patients experience minimal discomfort and quick recovery, with immediate, noticeable improvements in oral function. Infants are usually able to breastfeed immediately after the procedure.

Pricing and Insurance

At Stony Hill Dental Care, we believe in transparent pricing and maximizing your insurance benefits. While discussing the cost of frenectomy surgery, our focus is on the long-term benefits: improved oral health, enhanced comfort, and better quality of life. For specific pricing details, please contact our office.

Call to Schedule an Appointment Today

Don’t let lip and tongue tie affect your or your child’s life. Call us at (203) 744-0033 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Walter Kostrzewski and take the first step towards improved oral health and well-being.