Tooth Extraction in Bethel, CT

At Stony Hill Dental Care, we’re committed to providing comprehensive dental care, including tooth extraction services. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Walter Kostrzewski, our team in Bethel, CT, ensures a comfortable and safe experience for all our patients needing tooth extractions.

What Are Tooth Extractions?

A tooth extraction is a dental procedure that involves the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. It’s a standard solution for a range of dental issues and is performed with the utmost care at our practice.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Several situations may necessitate a tooth extraction, including:

  • Severe tooth decay or infection
  • Impaction, especially common with wisdom teeth
  • Overcrowding of teeth in the mouth
  • Preparation for orthodontic treatment
  • Teeth that are severely damaged and beyond repair

What Is the Extraction Process Like?


An initial examination, possibly with the help of X-rays determine the best course of action. Dr. Kostrzewski will walk you through the procedure so you know what to expect. This is also a great time to ask him any questions!

The Extraction Procedure

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area and ensure your comfort.
  2. Extraction: For a simple extraction, the tooth is loosened and gently removed.
  3. Possible Surgery: In cases of impaction or more complex situations, a minor surgery might be required.
  4. Recovery: Your extraction team will prepare you to care for your extraction site.

Dr. Kostrzewski and our team are skilled in handling both simple and surgical extractions with care and precision.


Instructions on care post-extraction will be provided to avoid infection and promote healing. These include tips to manage pain and swelling, such as icing the area and using over-the-counter pain medications. It is recommended to follow a soft diet, and oral hygiene practices will be discussed.

Tooth Extraction FAQ

With modern anesthesia and pain management techniques, discomfort during the procedure is typically minimal.

Some swelling and mild discomfort are normal but usually subside within a few days. Eating soft foods can help prevent irritating the extraction site.

Recovery time varies, but most patients resume normal activities within a couple of days. We recommend avoiding strenuous activities that elevate the heart rate for the first few days.

Following the aftercare instructions carefully, including oral hygiene practices and dietary adjustments, can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

If Dr. Kostrzewski is already recommending a tooth extraction, it may be too late! Tooth extractions are used when there are not other reasonable options for saving the tooth. The best way to avoid tooth extractions is with daily oral hygiene practices: regular brushing, flossing, and mouthwash do wonders! Visiting our office every six months can be a great way for us to keep an eye out for potential issues; the earlier we catch problems, the more likely we are to save your teeth.

Pricing and Insurance

Understanding the cost of dental procedures is important. At Stony Hill Dental Care, we focus on the benefits of tooth extraction, such as relief from pain, prevention of further dental issues, and paving the way for healthier teeth alignment. We offer transparent pricing and will assist you in navigating your insurance benefits for the best possible financial experience.

Need a Tooth Extracted? Call Us Now!

If you’re experiencing dental discomfort or have been advised to consider tooth extraction, don’t wait. Call Stony Hill Dental Care at (203) 744-0033 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Walter Kostrzewski. Our team is ready to provide you with the care and support you need for a smooth and comfortable dental experience.