It’s hard to live your best life when you hide your smile because of missing teeth or you struggle with failing, uncomfortable, or inconvenient dentures, partials, or bridges.

Hiding your smile can cost you dearly, both in terms of relationships and finances. Hiding your smile sends a message to people that you are not interested in them or what they have to say. In social settings, this can make people not want to be around you. In professional settings, this can cause you to lose promotion opportunities or come across as distant or not confident in job interviews. In romantic settings, not smiling sends a signal that you are not interested in the other person.

Moreover, left untreated, that gap in your teeth will lead to your teeth shifting, becoming damaged, crooked, or tilted. Your bite will eventually become misaligned, and you will develop difficulties eating. The cost to repair your teeth if it gets to that point skyrockets.

At STONY HILL DENTAL CARE, we can help you fix your missing teeth problems once and for all using dental implants, the only real solution to missing teeth:

  •  No having to remove dentures to clean them.
  •  No gluing needed.
  •  No inconvenience or discomfort of partials or bridges.

Dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth.

How it Works

The dental implant process varies depending on your specific needs, including how many teeth you need to replace and the condition of your jaw. Additionally, if your tooth is failing but still in your mouth, your dentist will extract the tooth before placing the dental implant.

Placing a dental implant is a minor surgical procedure that involves inserting a surgical screw into your jaw bone and placing a crown on top of it to function as your new tooth. If your jawbone is not strong enough to hold the screw in place, our specialists will perform a bone graft to strengthen your jawbone. A bone graft involves grafting a special material to your jaw bone to strengthen it or moving a small section of bone from another area to the area where you need to support your dental implant.

The screw acts just like the roots of your natural teeth, holding your crown firmly in place. Together, the screw and crown feel, look, and function just like a natural tooth. Once you heal, you can eat your favorite foods and care for your dental implant just like you would your natural teeth.

The entire procedure only requires local anesthesia so you can be awake the entire time, or we offer sedation

Who Is It For?

Generally speaking, dental implants can help the vast majority of adults who have one or more missing teeth. If you have a fully developed jaw and want to replace one or more missing teeth before additional problems arise, a dental implant can help. Or, if you want to replace temporary, uncomfortable, or other inconvenient apparatuses, such as dentures, partials, or bridges, dental implants can help.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Out-of-pocket costs for dental implants varies depending on a number of factors, including how many teeth you need to replace and the condition of your jaw. The only way to know for sure is to have a qualified doctor examine your mouth. For that reason, Stony Hill Dental Care offers a free, no-pressure dental implant consultation.

During your consultation, we will examine your mouth, answer any questions you have, and create a custom treatment plan. We will also show you several financing options that can help fit dental implants into your budget, even if your budget is tight. We will be with you every step of the way to help you get the smile you deserve.

The Next Step

To take the next step, schedule your free, no-obligation dental implant consultation by calling 203-744-0033

Your consultation will be held in our private office where you will enjoy the same VIP experience we provide all of our patients. We will ensure you know exactly how to get the smile you deserve.

Call now for Your Free Consultation Today!